🤩Submitting DApps

Apply your DApps to Sen Store


// Build a manifest
npx create-senhub-app manifest

You need to run npx create-senhub-app manifest to create a manifest file of your DApp first. This file will contain all the needed information for your submission.

// my_app.manifest.json
  "url": "https://tuphan-dn.github.io/my-app/index.js",
  "appId": "my_app",
  "name": "My App",
  "author": {
    "name": "Tu Phan",
    "email": "tuphan@descartes.netowkr"
  "tags": [
  "description": "A sample project for Sentre developers",
  "verified": false

Publish the repo

To publish the repo (your DApps hosting), you have to change and save the Source to the gh-pages branch.


  1. Add your manifest file (e.g. my_app.manifest.json) to src.

  2. Create a pull request to https://github.com/DescartesNetwork/senreg for submission.

Last updated