
SenOS’s responsive layout grid adapts to screen size and orientation, ensuring consistency across layouts.

Screen sizes & breakpoints

Apps can run on any device, which includes phones, tablets, desktops. With a huge number of device targets and screen sizes, rather than optimizing your UI for each device, we recommended designing for breakpoints:

  • XS (screen < 576px)

  • SM (576px <= screen < 768px )

  • MD (768px <= screen < 992px )

  • LG (992px <= screen < 1200px )

  • XL (screen >= 1200px)

Widget dashboard

1. Columns

Content is placed in the areas of the screen that contain columns.

  • At breakpoints of XL and LG, this layout grid uses 4 columns.

  • At breakpoints of MD and SM, this layout grid uses 2 columns.

  • At a breakpoint of XS, this layout grid uses 1 column.

2. Widget size

Sen OS uses three levels of widget size: large, medium, and small. Corresponding to each breakpoint will use a different number of columns.

  • The large size of the widget

  • The medium size of the widget

  • The small size of widget

3. Gutter

A gutter is a gap between columns by horizontal and components by vertical that helps separate content.

At a breakpoint of XL, LG, MD, and SM, this layout grid uses 24px gutters for both vertical and horizontal. The XS doesn’t have a horizontal gutter but still uses 24px vertical gutters.

4. Margin

Margins are the space between content and the left and right edges of the screen. All breakpoints use 16px margins.

Application detail

This layout grid uses 24 columns for every breakpoint.

We set the value of the Gutter of the grid in the page, such that when the browser expands or shrinks in a certain range, the column width of the grid will expand or shrink accordingly, but the width of the gutter is always fixed.

Sample code

// Some code

Last updated