
Whitepaper - Rev. 02 by Sentre Protocol (

The idea of using Automated Market Maker (AMM) to build a decentralized exchange (DEX) was proposed for the first time in 2016. Two years later, the earliest form of the idea, named Uniswap, was launched in November 2018. However, traffic on Uniswap was quite low for the first three years. Its liquidity finally reached one billion US Dollars for the first time in August 2020. Nowadays, Uniswap has become a key component of the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market that leverages numerous DeFi applications and builds up a robust DeFi ecosystem.

Uniswap is just one of the many examples of a great idea being ignored for so long before someone discovers it and gives it a chance. We believe many great and benefiting ideas are still out there, struggling to find financial and technical support to grow.

Only a small number of projects have recognized that limitation and tried to get around it by building a comprehensive ecosystem with multiple existing services on the market. However, those projects are reserved and liquidity is not open to the public.

Contrary to that, Sentre believes that openness is the key to DeFi development as a whole, as well as the Sentre ecosystem in particular. To do that, Sentre provides developers with a well designed tool-chain to accelerate the DApp building process right from the start. If those DApps can prove to create meaningful impacts for users, they will be allowed to inherit available liquidity accumulated from the community.

To bring this ecosystem into action, Sen Team created an open platform for DApps developers and users called Sen OS. This operating system aims to help developers find useful resources and available liquidity to build actual synchronized DApps, while offering users verified, high ROI yielding DApps. By doing this, Sen OS helps erase the inconsistency in DApp quality and interface, and keeps the ecosystem’s environment open but safe for users.

Liquidity is an essential part for this plan to work out. To implement our vision of an open protocol, Sen Team chose to carefully craft an AMM service as the universal interface, integratable with other services to expand the ecosystem.

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